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Wearing masks saves lives

The use of masks in Asian countries has helped considerably in reducing the number of people infected with coronavirus. Western countries are experiencing higher rates of COVID-19 infections and coincidentally have lower usage of masks within the population at large.

Japan has the strongest mask-wearing culture in the world and one of the lowest COVID-19 infection rates

Despite Japan’s large elderly population and early infection, the infection and death rate is one of the lowest in the world. A leading reason for this is Japan’s strong mask-wearing culture lowering the virality of COVID-19 to manageable levels. Japan has only had 1,387 infections, yet being one of the earliest countries to become infected.


The Czech Republic’s mandatory mask laws

Starting on March 18, the Czech Republic made it mandatory to wear a mask while in public. So far there have only been 2,942 COVID-19 confirmed cases and 23 deaths, making it one of the lowest infected countries in Europe.

We should keep a close on the Czech Republic’s future infection rate relative to its neighbors to show the quantifiable impact of mask-wearing.


Here’s the full article: maskssaveslives.org

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