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Google and Apple building a tracking tool to prevent Coronavirus

Google and Apple have teamed up to help fight the Coronavirus. They will soon deploy a new contact tracking tool which will alert the user when they are close to an infected person.

This tool could help considerably to contain the spread of the virus.

The new technology for both iPhones and Android phones will allow users to opt-in to a system that tracks nearby phones, trading information using Bluetooth, according to a blog post from Google. The tool will alert users if they have been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, which has now infected more than 1.6 million people worldwide and killed over 100,000.

The companies said they are first launching developer tools in mid-May for already-available contact tracing apps from public health officials. Users with those apps can self-report their diagnoses and see those of people around them.

Here’s the full article: cbsnews.com

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